
Learning at

ɫƵ College



At ɫƵ College, we are committed to a curriculum that enables our students to be successful learners in a rapidly changing world dominated by digital technology. Therefore, personal computers and array of online resources are invaluable to our learning and teaching program.

We believe in a growth mindset where students know that they are in control of their own destinies and that through hard work and perseverance – especially after making mistakes – they will become smarter and succeed academically.

Students have access to all areas of the Victorian curriculum:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities
  • Health
  • Physical Education
  • Language
  • Visual Arts
  • Media
  • Performing Arts
  • Technology

Our broad curriculum allows students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to enter the next phases of learning and life.

Students are encouraged to explore a wide range of subjects guided by their interests, talents and goals alongside advice from parents and school mentors.

Students engage with our exciting myMap program – personalised learning where core classes are combined with electives.

This approach empowers students and allows them to explore pathways towards senior school certificates.

We encourage families to experience our dynamic learning programs. We regularly hold Learning Walks, where families are guided through our facilities and have an experience of learning at ɫƵ.


​The Higher Education Studies Program is offered by higher education institutions (universities) and the VCAA. Two types of study, Extension and Advanced Standing are offered through this program.

A Higher Education study may contribute towards satisfactory completion for the award of the VCE as an unscored Unit 3 and 4 sequence. Students who successfully complete a Higher Education study have the title of the study, the year of enrolment and the Higher Education institution name reported on their VCE Statement of Results.
